Saturday, August 31, 2019
Media Effects on School Shooting Victims Essay
The participants of this study were students of Jokela High School, the school which experienced the shooting, and a control group of students from Pirkkala High school, which had not experienced a shooting. Jokela High School, at the time, had 474 students enrolled. All 474 of these students were asked to partake in the study. Participation in this study was voluntary and of the 474 students, 231 accepted the invitation to participate in the study, 180 students declined, 34 students could not be reached and 29 students consented to participate but never did. 526 students agreed to participate in the study from the control group school, Pirkkala High School. The participants were a mixture of both male and female students ranging from ages 13 to 19 years of age. Large portions of the families of the students from Pirkkala belong to the upper middle-class compared to Jokela, but there were no major differences in sociocultural background or crime rate between the two communities. The data in this study was collected by dispensing a questionnaire in a school setting in March of 2008. If a student was absent from school the questionnaire was mailed home along with the consent forms. The questionnaire started out asking basic background questions, such as socioeconomic status, living arrangements, previous psychological support or exposure to shootings. Next, students were asked to take a 36-item General Health Questionnaire to measure psychological and psychosocial symptoms. Students were also asked to complete The Impact of Event Scale to map symptoms into two categories, Intrusion and Avoidance. Students were then asked to rate their exposure to the shooter as either no exposure (control students), mild, moderate, significant, severe, and extreme. Each of these categories had descriptions to help the student choose the right option that applied to them. Lastly, students were asked questions about the media’s interactions with them. They were asked if the media interacted with them after the shooting, if they cooperated with the media, if the questions had an effect on their feelings after the shooting, and how the reporter approached them. Then they were asked if they followed the news coverage on the event over the next couple days and what type of effect the coverage had on their feelings.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Getting Started on Your Essay Essay
1 Write a thesis statement. Your thesis should state the main point you are arguing in your essay and the main supporting arguments in the order you are going to make them. It should be from one to three sentences long. 2 Write your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should discuss one argument you made in your thesis statement in detail. You should provide evidence such as quotations from the text or the opinions of scholars and experts. You may also want to address common counter-arguments and explain why they are incorrect. 3 Write transitions between your body paragraphs. A transition between two paragraphs takes place either in the last sentence of the first paragraph or the first sentence of the second. It should make the paper flow smoothly, showing how the different points you make are connected. 4 Write a conclusion. Your conclusion should succinctly summarize the arguments you made in your essay, and relate them to broader issues. For example, if you are analyzing themes in a particular piece of fiction, you can relate those themes to the author, his contemporaries, his time period, or even modern times. This makes the essay feel more significant, since it shows how your topic fits within a wider context. 5 Write the introduction. The introduction starts off broad and narrows down to the thesis statement, which forms the end of the intro. For example, if you were talking about the Illiad, you might start talking about Classical Greek literature, then talk about Greek epics, then discuss Homer and finally discuss the Illiad. The intro sets the tone of the essay, because it gives the reader context. 6 Edit the essay for language. A formal essay should use English that is formal, but not stiff. Eliminate slang, conversational tone and idiomatic sayings. Eliminate†you†phrases like â€Å"if you think about it.†Also, eliminate I expressions like â€Å"I will show you,†or â€Å"I believe that.†If you have any doubts about whether or not your language is formal, ask your teacher. 7 Edit the essay for mechanics. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct and correctly punctuated. Make sure that any titles of books you refer to are underlined and that you have written citations for any references. You should have a style sheet which tells you how the teacher wants you to cite your sources. 8 If you are allowed to, have a friend or relative read your essay. Ask them to look for technical problems, illogical statements and awkward sentences. Sometimes, an outside reader will be able to catch things that the author misses. Tips & Warnings It is possible to write the introduction first, but usually it’s not the best way to go. It’s difficult to write an introduction when you haven’t completely worked out what you are introducing (i.e. what the essay is arguing). Don’t stress about the language the first time through. Get your points down and make your arguments in a style that feels right to you. Then, come back and rewrite it in more formal language. Read more: How to Write a Formal Essay |
Thursday, August 29, 2019
American Gangster Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
American Gangster Film - Essay Example The gangster genre is a series of cycles, where each draws and develops from its forerunners, but at the same time reflecting the characteristic concerns and feature of its time. The classical genre expression in the 1930s The classical expression of the genre film is based on the rise and fall of the criminal, often involving the simple beginnings from early youth to maturity at the peak of their criminal careers, seemingly and finally ending tragically. The classical expression of the early thirties was viewed by the audience as a clear response to the depression and the expanded misery over the public policy value and government institutions, law and finance (Shadoian 57). This can help describe the key actors such as Rico in Little Caesar and Tony in Scarface, who were powerful figures who thrived in the face of executive opposition, through their own efforts. After the disagreement over Scarface, there existed a short suspension of gangster films, even though some of the forces behind the classical cycle had disappeared with the elimination of the Volstead Act of 1933. However, by the mid 1930s, a new range of post-abolition, post-production Code gangster films developed, looking at similar themes and involving most of the previous actors, though shifting the focus away from the gangsters and instead focusing on the implementers. The Depression pessism led to the optimism of the New Deal and the gangster genre sought to reassert the legality of executive authority through a couple of films. Nonetheless, classic cycle could still offer its audience with similar vicarious experience of corruption and heroic violence as the forerunners, though the violence was continued more or less legally. Some of the films that set the pace for this phase of genre development were the Little Caesar of 1930, the Public Enemy of 1931, and Scarface of 1932 (Munby 19). These gangsters are often immigrants who are victims of circumstance and always depicted as egotistical mania cs. In the 1930s, the films were arguably developed to initiate a level of security and stability for the audience in the throes of Depression. The film noir phase of the film genre development This is a phase experienced in the 1940s and 1950s, looking at the darker features of modernity, and often exploring the impacts of a criminal act. Gangster films within the film noir phase may have portrayed a shared iconography with the forerunner of the 1930s, though they brought a distinctive attitude and a darker tone than any other did. After the war, films gave an obvious reflection of a pessimistic and darkening mood, among the challenges to â€Å"traditional†values that service men experienced. Even though this phase of genre development has been conceived as aesthetically deviant and experimental, portraying little links to what happened before, noir gangster films took over from where pre-war crime movies had left. Viewers received them as an awkward reminder of issues whos e solution had been put off by the quest to prosecute the war. Examples of such films are the High Sierra of 1940 and White Heat of 1949 (Booker 105). Filmmakers in 1940s and 50s were not really making the noir film, but creating pictures for masses of viewers which are still hugely entertaining. Films in the classical genre were subversive and queried the facade of daily lives in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Ww1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ww1 - Essay Example The consequence of WWI, besides millions of dead soldiers, was the imbalanced provisions of the Versailles Treaty which humiliated the German people and wrecked its economy setting the stage for WWII. All wars have complicated explanations and grave consequences maybe none more so than WWI. It has been often said if you want to know the source of a person or country’s interest, follow the money trail. Both private and public U.S. financial concerns were involved in the war long before troops were sent â€Å"over there.†Money from famous banker and entrepreneur J.P. Morgan and the U.S. Treasury flowed to many European nations to help finance their war efforts. Many have said the war would have been over three years earlier without the financial aid provided by U.S. sources. Prior to 1914, the year the war began, the U.S was in the midst of a recession but from 1914 to 1918, the economy was significantly boosted due to the weapons and other supplies purchased from the U.S. by several countries engaged in the war. Unemployment, at 7.9 percent in 1914 decreased to 1.4 percent by 1918. (Lozada, 2012) German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann sent a coded telegram to the German ambassador to Mexico in early 1917 telling him to form an alliance with the Mexican government. Germany knew that U.S. involvement in the war was immanent and it surely would be beaten if hundreds of thousands of fresh American troops along with more weapons and equipment landed on European shores. To prevent this, Germany wanted to enlist Mexico to keep America busy fighting a war in its own country. â€Å"If Mexico waged war against the United States, thereby distracting Americans from the conflict in Europe, Germany would lend support and help Mexico reclaim Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.†(Gambino, 2012). Great Britain’s Naval Intelligence intercepted and broke the coded message then shared this important information with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who, in
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
An analysis of an aspect of human culture from an anthropological Essay - 1
An analysis of an aspect of human culture from an anthropological viewpoint - Essay Example A close observation of history proves that ethnicity does not always lead to conflicts in society. However, when certain situations arise, conflicts occur out of ethnicity. In fact, nationalism too is the result of this feeling of ethnicity. Nationalism occurs when one group feels that a nation is essential for them. This makes the people assemble their ethnic identity and shared historical experience in national terms. Thus, what happens over time is nationalism born out of ethnicity makes a submissive group into an ethno-political group. On 7th June 2001, Matthew Duss of Center for American Progress reported that Israel- Palestine conflict is still a hot-button issue in the Middle East politics. Here, it seems that a look into the above ideology of Eller will prove how ethnicity is converted into nationalism and then to conflict. For example, until the First Intifida, Palestinians were just a non-nationalist ethnic group. However, the 1967 Arab-Israel war played a major role in con verting the passive feeling of culture in Palestinians into an active political force. As the West Bank and Gaza Strip were occupied by Israel, many leaders including Yasser Arafat helped the conversion of Palestinian cultural traits into an active ethno-political group in the Middle East. From the above, it becomes evident that cultural traits are converted to ethnicity when a group begins to acknowledge differences between them and other groups. In addition, this ethnicity is converted into nationalism when an ethnic group begins to mobilize behind the idea of a nation. In simple terms, according to Scholars like Eller, once a group becomes self-conscious about their difference within society, which occurred in Palestinians as a result of the injustice inflicted upon them by their counterparts, there is the initiation of group mobilization. In the case of Israel-Palestine conflict, there are two groups; the Jews and the Palestinians. The Jewish people were already motivated and fu lly aware about the need to have their own nation as a result of the torture they faced in Western nations. It took some time for the Palestinians to acknowledge their need to have a separate nation as there were prior triggers that promoted this ethnic identity. From the point of group mobilization, the group is not merely an ethnic group; instead, it becomes a nationalist group. Now, a look into the history of Israel-Palestine conflict will justify the ideology. Palestine was a land which had no internal conflicts despite the presence of a multi-cultural society. The presence of Muslims in the population was 86%, that of Christians was 10%, and that of Jewish was 4%. Here, one should remember the fact that despite this multicultural presence, there was no feeling of ethnicity, or was not aroused by any cause. However, by the end of 1800, Jewish settlers from Europe, known as Zionists reached Palestine with the intention to make that place their homeland; still the place was calm f or a long time. As Hitler rose to power and Jewish activities were sabotaged in Western countries, more and more Jews reached Palestine openly expressing their interest in making Palestine their homeland. Here, the local populace got concerned, and, as a result, issues broke out. Soon, there was widespread violence throughout the region. As there was more and more violence, UN intervened and proposed an evidently unjustifiable solution; 55% of Palestine for Jews, and the remaining for Palestine. In 1947, war erupted between five Arab nations on the one side
Monday, August 26, 2019
What was the most valuable thing that you learned in BUS656 this term Essay
What was the most valuable thing that you learned in BUS656 this term - Essay Example This concept provides numerous ways to create market segments that can be used to leverage business potential. The highlighted point is that of defensible market segments, which would actually help in capturing market share for a large as well as small business. The defensible market segments not only create business but also sideline competition from others in the industry. Creation of defensible market segments allows a particular business to stay on the top until competitors surpass the defensible segments with better products and/or customers’ needs change. Defensible segments can be of value with the positioning strategy of the business, especially in weak market segments. Understanding customers’ buying behavior and needs help in creating defensible segments. In addition, customer behavior in terms of frequency of purchase, attitude towards a particular product and a new product of the same brand can be advantageous to creation of defensible market strategy. Positioning strategy of products aimed at defensible segments provides opportunity to increase market share of new products. Greater product differentiation and an established brand automatically increase purchase size of customers, but cannot create defensible segments. This module highlighted the significance of defensible segments and acquiring market share as well as identifying market segments that can be used to find a slot for a particular product. Understanding markets will also help in designing products to meet the market/customer demands, which may be used for positioning the products. Once the market and customer needs are identified, it becomes simpler to find positioning strategies accordingly. It is difficult to capture greater market share of products that create defensible segments. Here, a strong positioning strategy would be of great value for the business. Positioning strategy helps in putting
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Early Phase and Development of Airbus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Early Phase and Development of Airbus - Essay Example The name Airbus was taken from a generic term used by the Airline industry. One of the other reasons for choosing the name was the linguistic acceptance of the name to the French. Initially, the stakeholdership of the company was distributed between a number of players. Aerospatiale had 36.5% of the controlling stake in the company, whereas Deutsche Airbus also had a 36.5% share in the company. This pattern was evident in the company due to the multifarious origin. The other stakeholders were Hawker Siddeley with 20% and Fokker-VFW with 7%. A major change came in the year 1979 when the British Aerospace acquired 20% stake in the company  The A-300 was the first Commercial Airline to come out of its stable. The work of the development of each of parts was given to separate countries (that, in turn, is routed to the various companies in the consortium). Initially, the sales of the aircraft were extremely slow, but later the sales of the aircraft picked up considerably. This was mainly due to the development of subsequent superior models of Aircraft as well as the innovative marketing strategies used by the company  The fact the Airbus was a consortium a number of companies were working against it. The group companies were not ready to divulge information on the technical breakthroughs. The attempt on the part of the companies to maximize the prices on the transfer of the sub-assembled parts had detrimental effects on the financial fortunes of the company. Secondly, the Company was in a stage where it was developing a large number of new aircraft to fend away competition from the other players as well as to augment market share. In the early half of 1990, a lot of steps were taken on an executive level to merge the various entities of the various companies to ensure a smoother environment for the purpose of decision making (Matthew, 1997).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Reflection - Essay Example Like every religion, Catholism has certain mythical background to which there is no commendable proof when looking back in to the history. Some people still debate on the life of Jesus and the miracles he performed to revive people of his times. Christianity is not abundant with rituals, however to certain extend rituals does decorate the religious practice. However, ethics is of great importance in Catholism as the teachings of Christ are entirely based on a moralistic and ethical life. Moreover, the emotional experience in Christianity is exaggerating as the death of Jesus to eradicate the sin of people has been focused to soften the mind of people. In Christianity material expression is notable as preaching gospels and signing gospel hymns is an integral part of the religion. As a Christian I can affirm that Christianity is a sacred religion with belief system as its strongest element. Recently ,there are many religious movements which have emerged in this world which is centered on distinctive belief system and rituals. One of them is Rastafarian religion, practiced mainly in Jamaican society. This religious has a strong belief system, where they believe that the last Emperor of Ethiopia is a messiah of the world. Rastafarians practice their religion in a community and propagates that African community is the haven of human origination. They nuture certain myths as God is black and that salvation can be attained only by Black people. With regard to rituals, Rastafarianism is unique as it place music as its ritualistic practice. Unlike other religion, Rastafarians does not have religiously inculcated ritualistic practice or customs. This religion has a valid ethical system as it refers to biblical texts and parables to propagate high moral standards of living. Rastafarians are strict vegetarians and abhor alcohol in an attempt to be spiritual and pure. This religion
Global Financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Financing - Essay Example Countertrade is classified under five divergent types namely; barter, counter purchase, offset, switch trading and buyback. There are five distinct types of countertrade -- barter, counter purchase, offset, switch trading, and buy back. Under this essay, we will focus on the meaning and the significance of each type in the international trade scenario. Barter can be defined as a direct exchange of goods and services, or both, between two parties without a cash transaction. It involves exchange of goods for goods and does not involve cash payments or receipts. Although in theory barter appears to be the simplest arrangement, in practice it is not commonly applied or practically implemented. It can be said that the expansion of bartering in the US is mainly because of barter companies or barter exchanges. According to popular estimates, there were roughly 600 barter exchanges among which 500 acted as clearinghouses for the exchange of goods and services between their clients and 100 were corporate trade brokers that exchange trade credits for assets, and goods and services so as to make it a part trade and part cash transaction. In a manner, barter dealers or barter exchanges facilitate a common platform upon which members exchange goods and services either through pure barter or through mixture of barter and cash. The barter exchange generates its profits from membership and renewal fees and from certain commissions which are based on a percentage of the gross worth of each operation. The fees usually range between 5 to10 percent. Under certain arrangements, some barter exchanges also charge a monthly administrative fee. The most significant purpose of a barter exchang e is to match the needs of potential traders. Counter Purchase Counter purchase is a form of mutual buying agreement. It occurs when a firm agrees to purchase a certain amount of materials back from a country to which a sale is made. Typically, there will be two distinct contracts. One of them will relate to the sale of goods/services by the trading company for which it will be paid a specified amount of hard currency. The other form will require the trading company to spend some proportion of this revenue to buy goods from a list provided by the importing country. The counter-purchase may vary in value between 10 and 100% of the original export order. The imports bought require not be related in any way to the goods/services exported. Generally, there is a specific time period (normally three years) within which the counter-purchase must be made. Thus, in this form of counter-trading (unlike pure barter), exports only partly finance the purchase of imports. In fact, they simply help balance costs on imports at a later date. In this manner, a co unter-purchase transaction is not undertaken because of a lack of convertible currency or incapability to obtain credit. Nevertheless, it has often been used by planned economies as a tool for scheming foreign trade and ensuring that exports balance imports. Offset Offset is similar to counter purchase since the exporter is required to purchase goods and services with an agreed percentage of the proceeds from the original sale. The main difference is that the exporter can fulfill this obligation with any firm in the country to which the sale is being made. Certainly, its importance appears to be growing fast. It involves an agreement under which an exporter integrate into his final product, along with certain components and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Answer two questions Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Answer two questions - Personal Statement Example Amplification of signals makes them stronger than they are received2. Recent technologies also enable the changing of radio frequency that minimizes confusion of signals. An earth station sends uplinks that are received by a satellite. The satellite in turn amplifies the signal and sends downlinks that reach the earth station with minimal interruption. Positioning of the satellite and the quality of the receiver also determine if the distance between them will distort the signals. If two or more satellites are located near one another, there is a high chance that the signals being sent to the earth might intersect and send wrong signals. The electromagnetic spectrums through which waves are transmitted are sensitive to blockages by the landscape3. If there are any landscape features blocking the spectrum, the signals might be distorted. The quality of receivers determines the accuracy in which the signal is received and interpreted4. In conclusion, distance affects the sending and receiving of signals. However, the modern technologies in signal transmission have overcome the issue. Use of amplification technology, sensitive receivers, and changing of wave frequency are solutions to overcoming the problems associated with
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Psychology and American Psychological Association Essay Example for Free
Psychology and American Psychological Association Essay The qualitative variables were National Academy of Science membership, election as American Psychological Association president or receipt of the APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, and surname used as a eponym (i. e. , a psychological term such a Pavlovian conditioning or Skinner box) to represent a theory, procedure, or apparatus. Objective: You are going to learn a little bit about the history of psychology and the APA style of citations, by conducting research and writing a 2 to 3 page paper – typed, double spaced and 12 point Times New Roman font on one of the individuals from the list below: . B. F. Skinner 2. Jean Piaget 3. Sigmund Freud 4. Albert Bandura 5. Leon Festinger 6. Carl Rogers 7. Stanley Schachter 8. Neal Miller 9. Edward Thorndike 10. Abraham Maslow 11. Gordon Allport 12. Erik Erikson 13. Hans J. Eysenck 14. William James 15. David McClelland 16. Raymond Cattell 17. John B. Watson 18. Kurt Lewin 19. Donald O. Hebb 20. George A. Miller 21. Clark L. Hull 22. Jerome Kagan 23. Carl Jung 24. Ivan Pavlov 25. Walter Mishcel Though not in the top 25, you can pick Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Lawrence Kohlberg, Wolfgang Kohler, or Margaret Washburn. Procedures: 1. Select your psychologist by looking him/her up in your textbook. The textbook will help you quickly understand their contribution to the field and also help you with some terminology you may not understand in other sources. 2. After choosing a psychologist, conduct research in order to become an expert on him or her. Make sure you keep track of your sources. You should use a minimum of three sources and one of the three can be your textbook. See my website for links to good websites. I highly recommend the book The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt which has information on most of the psychologists on the list. You are welcome to borrow my copy and the library also has a copy. In addition, the two volume reference book Psychologists and Their Theories for Students, housed in the library, is also an excellent resource. In fact, this book may help you select a psychologist. 3. Develop your paper around an argument (thesis) for why your psychologist should be number one on the most eminent list. Make sure the title of your paper links to this argument. 4. Do not write a biography! You need to pick and choose what information to use in your paper. What information you select depends on the content of your thesis tatement. You might focus on the major impact of his/her work/theories in the field of psychology, the types of research methods utilized in his/her experiments, the practical applications of his/her research, his/her major publications, and/or the school of psychology to which he/she belongs. The number of body paragraphs you write depends on the number of supporting statements. 5. Cit e your facts using parenthetical citations and format your paper, using American Psychological Association (APA) format (see the attached APA format document or the APA link on my website). Include a cover and reference page. 6. Writing a research paper is a multi-step process. Do not attempt to complete all of the above steps in one night! How to do your references page: Books: Calfee, R. C. , Valencia, R. R. (1991). The evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Original source found in a current source (e. g. older studies cited in a newer book) Freud, S. (1961). The ego and the id. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans. ), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19, pp. 3-66). London: Hogarth Press. Anonymous or unknown author (common in newspapers): Caffeine linked to mental illness. (1991, July 13). New York Times, pp. B13, B15. World Wide Web page: Bixley, T. S. (1995) Sentient microfilaments. Retrieved from http://www. microfilaments. com/consciousness/synchronicity/quantum tube. html. *If there is no date, put n. d. in its place. Group or institutional authors: University of Pittsburgh. (1993). The title goes here. Journal of Something, 8, 5-9. Journal article: Guenzel, N. (1996, Autumn) Altruism in three states. Whitman Journal of Psychology, (5)1, 67-73. Letter to the editor: ONeill, G. W. (1992, January). In support of DSM-III [Letter to the editor]. APA Monitor, p. -5. Magazine article: Gardner, H. (1991, December 9). Do babies sing a universal song? Psychology Today, pp. 70-76. Newsletter article: Brown, L. S. (1993, Spring). My research with orangs. The Psychology Department Newsletter, pg. 3. Pamphlet: Just Say No Foundation. (1992). Saving our youth. (9th ed. ) [Brochure]. Washington, DC: Author. Article in a Newspap er Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A. In-Text Citations In-text citations help readers locate the cited source in the References section of the paper. . Whenever you use a source, provide in parenthesis the author’s last name and the date of publication. For quotations, provide a page number as well. The punctuation mark should follow the citation. Example: (Greenwood, 19, p. 2). 2. When quoting, introduce the quotation with a signal phrase. Make sure to include the author’s name, the year of publication, the page number, but keep the citation brief – do not repeat the information. Example: Caruth (1996) states that a traumatic response frequently entails a â€Å"delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena†(p. 1). Example: A traumatic response frequently entails a â€Å"delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena†(Caruth, 1996, p. 11) 3. There are several formats for a summary of paraphrase. Use signal verbs: acknowledge, contend, maintain, respond, report, argue, conclude, etc. Example: Smith (1998) argues that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4. When citing a work with more than one author, identify all authors in the signal phrase or in parenthesis. Example: (Harklau, Siegel, and Losey, 1999) Example: (Smith et al. , 1983)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysing the various Management Principles and Applications
Analysing the various Management Principles and Applications The need for professional management came along with large scale businesses from the industrial revolution. This is generally understood to cover the period from around 1760 to 1850 in this time there was a major economic growth. The division of labour, combined with technological advances provided the economic need for a factory system. The factory system however, brought new problems for owners managers. There are various pioneers who contributed to the development of management, these include: F.W. Taylor (1856-1915) he was known as father of scientific management, was a professional engineer. H.L. Gantt (1861- 1919) his main interest was human beings in industry he wanted to establish democratic societies in factories. Abraham Maslow was a behavioural psychologist who worked in academia and industry. He wrote various books on human relations. The first book was on Motivation and Personality set out the needs of a human being these are still hugely important factors today. Definitions of Management There is no generally accepted definition of management, however, the best definition is said to be that of Henri Fayol (1841-1925) who was a French Engineer, as even today the principles remain the same. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control. H. Fayol (1916) Henri Fayols definition of management is based upon his initial idea that forecasting planning was about looking to the future coming up with a plan of action to allow objectives to be met. Organising was seen in structural terms while commanding was said to refer to maintaining activity amongst personnel. Coordinating is a unifying activity which effectively allows all parts of an activity to work in harmony finally controlling meant, ensuring things are done in accordance with established specifications policies etc. Henri Fayol therefore is responsible for identifying the principles of management which are listed below are further detailed in task 2 of this assignment. Forecasting Planning Organisation Command (Motivating) Controlling Co-ordinating and communicating Another definition is that of Edward Brech the last of the management pioneers. He believed that management was for the good of society and integrity was its cornerstone. He collated ideas, added his own developed training programmes textbooks Management is a social process the process consists of planning, control, coordination and motivation. EFL Brech (1957) Another definition is that of Harold Koontz Cyril ODonnell, both professors of business management at the University of California. Management is an operational process initially best dissected by analysing the managerial functions The five essential managerial functions (are): planning, organising, staffing, directing and leading and controlling. Koontz ODonnell (1984) The definitions of Brech Koontz ODonnell are based upon that of Henri Fayol however they have made some small changes, for example Henri Fayols term command is changes to motivation by Brech directing or leading by Koontz ODonnell. P2 Explain the principles and processes of management. A managers job consists of planning, organising, directing controlling a companys resources which include the workforce, equipment, finances, facilities materials etc. Management also includes the recording storing of facts information for later use or for the use of others within the organisation to assist them with their own objectives. Management is not only limited to managers supervisors as every member or employee is responsible to some extent for managing their own functions as part of their job. The main principles of management described by Fayol are as follows: Forecasting Planning Organisation Motivating Controlling Co-ordinating and communicating Within any company or organization a manager has many roles responsibilities there job requires that they have the all of these skills to fulfill the role of manager. Forecasting Forecasting is concerned with the future economics of a company or organisation. This involves decisions being made to steer the company or organisation in the right direction these decisions will be based upon forecasts by the management. These may include financial forecasts such as the annual turnover of the company the requirements of funding to allow the company to fund their projects. Forecasts may also be in relation to the companys workload therefore allowing them to forecast the required resources i.e. labour. Planning Planning involves the future co-ordination of projecting controlling of resources. Many decisions made in regarding planning will be based upon the companys forecasts as explained previously; however planning will also be done on each individual project. This involves the making of decisions which will allow the company or organisation to meet the demands of their clients ensure that the objectives of the business are met. The main objective of a typical business is to make profit, therefore each individual project will be planned organised in detail will be closely managed monitored to ensure it is moving in the right direction, thus ensuring that the clients demands are met that the businesss objectives are met. Organisation Organisation involves the arrangement of the company structure while establishing relationships resources which will allow the companys objectives to be met. Any company or organisation will require that all of their individual departments are organized appropriately to allow them to function meet their demands. A managers job will be to define each individual within their department with their own roles responsibilities while ensuring that they all meet their demands in accordance with any specifications timescales while ensuring that they are coordinated with any relevant site based activities. Motivation This is the process to improve the physiological state of morale within the workforce of a company. A companys most important asset is its personnel, therefore it could be said that the motivation of the employees is essential. The identifiable needs of an employee include: To be paid fairly to allow them a comfortable standard of living. To be treated as an individual while being recognized as a crucial part of the team. To have a reasonable sense of security in their job. To be allowed the opportunity to show their ability initiative. Having a socially acceptable job with a sense of belonging and acceptance, allowing a high self esteem. Having the opportunity to progress within the company. An employees motivational needs is what that particular employee needs are in order to help keep them happy in their job, thus allowing them to perform to the best of their ability. Many of these needs may also be more important than others which a manager should have the ability to detect fulfil, for example, an employee might feel that they should be recognised as an important member of the team as this may boost their confidence. Once their confidence is boosted their motivational needs are therefore fulfilled. There are many ways in which companys work towards meeting the motivational needs of their employees as a whole these include the introduction of bonus schemes and provision of good welfare facilities etc. Controlling Controlling refers to the continuous observation of a project to ensure that the work is carried out is continuing as it was initially planned. Should it be noticed that the project is not progressing as per planned corrective action will be taken to rectify this. Controlling is the tactical spear of the management involves checking the current achievement with pre-determined targets. Controlling may comprise of: The control of the projects overall budget. The control of monetary payments for the supply of materials services. Controlling the progress of the project. Co-ordination Coordination is crucial to ensure that each team or department involved in a project works in harmony to ensure that the project is completed with the least possible problems throughout the duration of the project. The coordination of management requires regular communication typically in the form of meetings to integrate ideas into action. Co-ordination is not only crucial between the management employees in any one company, it is crucial that there is co-ordination between all parties involved in a project. This can be difficult particularly in large scale projects where for example the Client, Architect, Quantity Surveyor, Contractor Sub-Contractors etc must all work together to ensure that the project is completed successfully. This is where good management is essential to ensure the co-ordination between all of these parties. Communication Communication is to probably the single most important element within any organisation in particular any construction project as good communication is critical as it ensures the coordination and control of individuals, groups and departments not only within one company or organisation but also within all the other parties who may be involved with a project. Communication ensures control of a companys plans and procedures that any instructions given to staff by the management are clearly understood. Poor communication can lead to ineffective control, poor coordination and inevitably management failure which will ultimately result in a failure to meet a companys objectives i.e. a loss of money. Often, communication can be hindered by simple barriers such as the use of different phrases expressions between parties. Different languages may also pose a problem in international contracts, while modern communication methods such as emails etc may be misrepresented. In the construction industry in particular there is a slight advantage as much of the communication is done by the use of detailed drawings which represent the same to each individual no matter what their language may be. P3 Explain the motivational needs of individuals and groups, leadership styles and concepts of team working. Motivation Motivation is mainly concerned with: The forces that stimulate human behaviour. The factors that channel direct this behaviour. The way in which this behaviour can be maintained or eliminated. Motivation is crucial in all workplaces regardless of the nature of work carried out. Keeping employees highly motivated is the key to a successful workplace. An employee who is happy, satisfied motivated in their job will inevitably be more productive than an employee who has little or no motivation. There have been various motivation theories but all with the same intentions. A highly motivated workforce is ultimately more productive this can help to increase labour outputs therefore decreasing costs which will in turn generate more profit for the business. Motivation not only increases the quantity of work but also the quality, therefore having a large group of highly motivated employees can have a positive effect on any business. People can be motivated in various different ways this will be dependent upon their individual needs requirements. For example, one employee may be more motivated by being given the opportunity to use their own initiative, while another employee may be more motivated by the prospect of bonus schemes. Setting work related goals is another method of motivating employees as they are more likely to be productive if they have a target to work toward whereas If a task has no target it may cause employee to feel dissatisfied therefore they will be less motivated. There have been various pioneers of management theories throughout the years. Amongst them are those by Frederick Herzberg, who believed that the key motivators were achievement, recognition, advancement and job interest. Others include John Adair, Peter Drucker, Elton Mayo Victor Vroom. As was briefly explained in task 1 of this assignment Maslow wrote a book based on human relations. In the book he wrote about the factors which drive or motivate people. Once a group or individuals needs are satisfied, then they will not be motivated by the same benefits as generally humans all ways expect more. Maslows report shows in order to achieve good results from the staff and able to complete our new proposed building successfully we would have to ensure the employees needs are catered for and their problems are being listened to. Maslow defined five orders of needs which are as follows: Physiological- The basic survival requirements of warmth, shelter and food Security- Protection from danger of threat Social- Relations with others, expressed as friendship comradeship or love Self-Respect- Sense of personal worth, respect and autonomy Self-Actualisation- Sense of achieving your full potential A more recent and modern approach was from Sheila Ritchie and Peter Martin who developed a theory in the late 1990s that began under the assumption that it was a managers task to discover what motivates their workforce. They identified twelve motivational drivers including, the human needs for interesting work, a variety in work, achievement, power, self development, creativity, influence, social contact, money and perks, structure and rules, long term relationships good working conditions. The idea was based on having a method of motivation for each employee as it was based on the belief that each individual had different motivators therefore should have their own motivators used with them. For example, if an employee has worked well achieved more when targets are set, then the manager should make the effort to ensure the employee know what was expected of them at all times. However, this method is not always going to be practical many companies simply use incentive schemes which are aimed at all employees. These may include incentives such as extra time off or bonuses in pay for exceeding their targets. Many companys also make use of team building days which are also aimed to increase motivation within the workforce. These days out can range from sporting activities to evening meals all paid for by the employer. Leadership Styles There are various different styles of leadership used in the workplace this will vary dependent upon the workforce in general, for example, if there is a mixture of non-skilled skilled workers, each of these groups may need a different style of leadership to fully motivate them gain the best from them there will of course be a difference upon individuals. The main leadership styles are defined as: Autocratic An autocratic leader can be described as one who simply issues orders to their workforce expects everyone to comply. Democratic A democratic leader manages by consultation with their workforce encourages each individual to participate, therefore developing a team approach in the workplace. There have been various studies in regards to management leadership, for example Rensis Likert (1903-1981) an American psychologist statistician conducted research on human behaviour within different types of organisation during his research he studied different styles of leadership defined four main types of management system as follows. Exploitive / Authoritative System. Decisions are imposed on employees. Employees are motivated by means of threats i.e. the loss of their job. High levels of management have great responsibility. There is no responsibility for low levels of management. Poor communication teamwork. Consultative System The leadership will have some trust in their employees. Motivation is gained by rewards by having involvement in the decision making. There is a varying level of responsibility over all levels of management. There is some communication teamwork. Participative Group System The leadership have full confidence in their employees. Motivation is gained via economic reward earned through joint targets being met. All employees feel that they have a responsibility for the companys targets. Good communication team work tales place. Benevolent / Authoritative System Leadership via master / servant trust. Motivation is gained by the provision of rewards i.e. pay increases. Levels of management have great responsibility. There is no responsibility for low levels of management. Poor communication teamwork. The style a leader adopts depends on their perception of their workers motivation for example, do workers need to be driven autocratically and motivated by wage increases or are they better motivated by being allowed to voice their opinions assist in the decision making. A leadership styles success depends on the circumstances the leader is in, for example if a leader is under pressure it may be more beneficial to use an autocratic style of leadership. How close workers are may also have an influence, for example a team of workers who have worked together for a long time may be more motivated by being involved in the making of decisions. The method of leadership adopted should be carefully considered as leadership styles can also affect employee motivation. Team Working Team working can be beneficial in many circumstances in the workplace. This allows for more ideas to be generated more feedback to be received by the management. Team working also allows for greater coordination of works while allowing individuals to use their strengths in place of other team members weaknesses. Merit Criteria Schools of Management During the late 19th early 20th centuries, management theory was developed was classified as either scientific management or administrative management many of the techniques concepts are still used in modern management.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Relationships: Reading Material & Student Workbook
Relationships: Reading Material & Student Workbook Love Yourself Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. Remember no one is perfect. Stop looking towards others for approval. Look inside yourself, and love every part of you. You shouldnt allow other people to tell you who you are. You are the only one who can decide that. You need to love yourself first before you can genuinely love others. Family Time Quality time is time spent doing an activity that is meaningful to the whole family. You learn about your family from the time you spend together. The learning process takes place in the many daily tasks of life done as a family. Like: Eating meals together Talking over the days activities Dealing with challenges Interacting with people outside the family Ideas for family activities: _For Example†¦.Make Tuesday night the family game night or start a new family tradition._____ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sibling Rivalry What causes sibling rivalry? Birth Order Brothers vs. sisters Age Parental attitude Tips to avoid getting into a fight with your brother or sister: Always stop, breathe, and think before arguing. Remind yourself that you have special talents. Try to praise your siblings for their achievements share their pride. Past experiences with my siblings how I could have handled them differently or better: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thoughts for how I could positively handle other situations with my siblings: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Teen Years The teen years are the most challenging years for families. Remember your parents will always be your parents and still have authority of what you do under their roof. Follow the curfew set and know that parents will always worry about you especially if you are late. Call them when youre going to be late. Effective communication is key. If parents feel that you are keeping them in the loop, you will gain more of their trust and respect. Believe it or not parents do know what is best for you so listen and learn from them. Learn from their life experiences. Choose wisely when selecting your group of friends and/or boyfriend. You are who you hang out with. You will take on their characteristics within one months time. Repeat and Acknowledge Repeat and acknowledge is a communication tool that will help to identify the real problem and allow both parties to fully acknowledge the other persons feeling and concerns with out an argument. Role Play Rules Two participants: A Giver and a Receiver Giver speaks a feeling Receiver states back and ask for corrections, â€Å"What I hear you saying is†¦.. Is this correct?†If the Giver answers YES the Receiver will own, acknowledge and validates the givers feelings, If the Giver answers NO The Receiver will repeat step one until they come to a YES. Choose Your Friends Wisely! Your friends have such a powerful influence over your attitude, reputation and direction. The need to be accepted and part of a group is very powerful. Too often friends are chosen based on whoever will accept us. Its hard, but sometimes it is better to have no friends for a time than to have the wrong friends. The wrong group can lead you down all kinds of paths you really dont want to be on. You can look for friends anywhere; they dont have to be the same age as you. You can be friends with your parents, your grandparents, cousins, etc. Anyone who shares your interests and will be there for you is a friend! Qualities to Look For In a Friend Someone you can trust. Someone who encourages you to succeed and achieve and celebrates your successes. A person of good character (honest, sincere, loyal, respectful, responsible). Peacefully resolves conflicts. Has strong positive relationships with his or her parents and other adults. Serious about school. Knows how to make plans and set goals. Has a positive view of the future. Gets along with many different people. Kind and compassionate. Respects himself or herself. Avoids dangerous situations. Takes positive risks. Gives back to the community and serves others. Is a positive influence on yourself and others. Qualities I feel are important when looking for a friend: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Qualities I want to avoid when looking for a friend: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Qualities that I will have as a friend to others: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Develop Lifelong Friendships While in College Developing lifelong friendships may be one of the most rewarding aspects of college life. Friendship Statistics Between the ages of 15 and 25 is when most people establish lifelong friendships. Singles tend to rely on friends for companionship. Best friends usually become an extended family. College friends are somewhat different than friends from high school because you bond in different ways. You may bond during late night study sessions, making dinner together, or during long drives home. Theyre somewhat like your family away from home. Some friends may make sure that you wake up in time for your midterm or make you soup when youre sick. During college there are a variety of ways to develop these friendships, which have the potential of becoming lifelong friendships. Living with Roommates Sometimes many students make lifelong friendships with their roommates. If you have a good experience with your roommate during your first year of college, you may want to continue living with that roommate. You may also decide to live with other people as well. Sharing a house or an apartment allows you to spend time with people and really get to know who they are. You may learn things that only their families know about them like how long they take in the shower or what kinds of odd things they like to eat. Living together also provides opportunities for a lot of inside jokes, which can create even stronger bonds. You may also become closer when one of you becomes sick, and the parental instinct kicks in. Joining a Club By joining a club, you may be able to find people who share similar interests. Usually college campuses offer a variety of clubs like those that are associated with academic majors, public interests, politics, music, or careers. There are also fraternities and sororities at different colleges. Clubs provide an opportunity to meet people outside of the classroom, and the opportunity for you to get involved with something that youre passionate about. Being involved in extracurricular activities may also alleviate some of your stress. Making Friends for Life Developing lifelong friendships does take some time. Dont be discouraged if the first couple of people you meet dont turn out to be the type of friends you were hoping for. You may need to keep on trying to meet new people. You may make friends with people who you wouldnt have considered being friends with before. If you feel uneasy about the friends you have made, try to remember what you liked about your friends from high school. Keep yourself surrounded by good people who share similar goals to help you stay on track. Tough Decisions You are young, free and have your whole life before you. You have to choose which path you take in life: Do you want to go to college or graduate school? Should you try out for that team? What type of friends do you want to have? Who will you date? What values will you choose? What will you stand for? What kind of relationship do you want with your family? How will you contribute to your community? When The Going Gets Tough The tough challenges are conflicts between doing the right thing and doing the easier thing. They are the key tests, the defining moments of life and how you handle them can literally shape your life. They come in two kinds, small challenges and major challenges. Small Challenges occur daily and are easier to conquer. They include things like: Getting up when your alarm rings Controlling your temper Disciplining yourself to do your homework. Overcoming spending urges and saving money. If you can conquer yourself and be strong during these challenges your days will run much more smoothly. Soon enough, these moments will prove to have less and less power over your life. Major Challenges occur every so often in life and include things like: Choosing good friends Resisting negative peer pressure Rebounding after a major setback Parents divorcing Getting cut from a team These challenges have huge consequences and often strike when youre least prepared for them. If you recognize that these moments will come then you can be prepared for them and meet them head on. Peer Pressure What is Peer Pressure? It is the pressure, stress or strain we all feel from friends and classmates to act, behave, think and look a certain way. This kind of pressure can cover everything from fashion to sex and dating. Peer pressure can be negative, where someone is coerced into doing something that they know is wrong (e.g. drugs, smoking, or pressure to have sex) or it can be positive, for example, a teen whose friends are all high achievers in school will feel pressure to also be successful. Beware of friends that seem to be friends but really are not. They may try to take advantage of you. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. They may do some things to you that you would never do to them. Who is Affected By Peer Pressure? Anyone can be affected by peer pressure; however, teens with low-self esteem are most likely to fall victim to negative peer pressure. Overcoming Peer Pressure Some of the hardest moments come when facing peer pressure. Saying no when all of your friends are saying yes takes raw courage. Sometimes peer pressure can be so strong that the only way to resist it is to remove yourself entirely from the environment youre in. This is especially true if you are involved with a gang, sorority, or a tight group of friends. To overcome peer pressure, youve got to care more about what you think of you than what your peers think of you. So Why is Peer Pressure so Hard to Resist? It is because you want to belong. Everyone wants to feel accepted by some sort of a group. Thats why teens are often willing to go through brutal hazing rituals to become a member of a club or get heavy into drugs or drinking in order to fit into a particular group. Sometimes you simply need a wake-up call to snap out of it. Why do Teens Pressure Other Teens to do Things? Some teens believe that manipulating people to do things they shouldnt gives them a sense of control over others. Some teens are jealous and envious of what you have, but only want to be more like you. Some teens think its cool to try to get away with doing things that are wrong just to see if you will side with them. Some teens use pressure to get whats best for them, even though they know that the outcome wont be good for you. This is very self-centered thinking. How do You Walk Away from Peer Pressure when you Know its Having a Negative Impact on you? The idea that â€Å"everyones doing it, so it must be cool†is not always true. Dont go along if you are uncomfortable with the idea. Ignore the person. Hang out with people who dont pressure you to do risky things. Even though its tough to say â€Å"no†you can do it if you believe in yourself. Try it and see how good it makes you feel. Often, you will find others agreeing with you. It can really make things a lot easier if you have at least one other friend who is on your side. Make up your mind beforehand that certain things in life will always be a definite ‘NO; like drugs, cigarettes, lying and stealing. Remember that the values that your parents taught you will make you stronger in handling peer pressure and you can always use them as your excuse as why you wont do something. Since it is rather difficult to always say no to friends, try and choose likeminded people as friends. Refuse to let yourself down. If you can think of peer pressure as letting yourself down, it becomes easier to combat it. It will make you feel more confident and raise your own self -esteem. Ways to Resist Negative Peer Pressure Walk away. Ignore the person Pretend that the person must be joking. (â€Å"What a riot! You are so funny.†) Say no calmly but firmly. Say no and give a reason (â€Å"No. Cigarette smoke makes me sick.†) Say no and state a value or belief thats important to you. (No. Ive decided not to have sex until I get married.†) Say no and warn about the possible consequences. (â€Å"No way! We could all get expelled.†) Say no and change the subject. (â€Å"No, Im not interested. Say, what did you think of that stunt Clarisse pulled in math class today?†) Say no and offer a positive alternative. (â€Å"No thanks, Ill pass. Im going for a bike ride. Want to come?) Say no and ask a question. (No! Why would I want to do that?†) Say no and use humor. (â€Å"Forget it. Id rather go play on the freeway; its safer.†) Say no and apply some pressure of your own. (â€Å"No. Hey, I always thought you were smarter than that.†) Share your feelings. (â€Å"I dont like being around people who are drinking.†) Use your parents as an excuse. (â€Å"My dad would kill me if I ever did that.†) Stick up for yourself. (â€Å"Im not going to do that. It wouldnt be good for me.†) Confront the person. (â€Å"I cant believe youd ask me to do that. I thought you were my friend.†) Call another friend to help you. Always have an out a Plan B. (â€Å"Sorry, I cant come to the party. I promised my sister Id take her to a movie.†) Make an excuse. (â€Å"Gotta run. I told my mom Id clean my room.†) Laugh. Hang out with people who dont pressure you do to risky things. Ask a peer mediator to help. Tell an adult. Trust your instincts. If something doesnt feel right, it probably isnt right. Avoid the person from then on. Just Say NO! Why is ‘NO, a two letter word, so hard to say? Say ‘No it may be tough, but believe in yourself and often you will find others agreeing with you. Practice saying ‘NO for all the right reasons. Role play saying ‘NO with a family member or a friend. Once you say ‘NO understand that there is no going back. People will eventually respect you more for standing up for yourself. Saying ‘NO means you can feel more in control of your life. List any suggestions from class for avoiding peer pressure: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Not all peer pressure is bad. If you can find friends who put positive pressure on you to be your best, then hang on to him or her for dear life, because you have someone very special. If your self-confidence and self-respect is low, how can you expect to have the strength to resist? Make a promise to yourself and keep it Help someone in need Develop a talent Renew Yourself Eventually youll have sufficient strength to follow your own path instead of going down the beaten path. Dating 101 Be clear with yourself about what kind of qualities you ideally want in the opposite sex based upon your needs and values. Once you set the qualities you need, never wavier from them. Know what personality characteristics and values you want your date to have. Be clear with yourself about your minimum requirements and what you will and wont be satisfied with. Dont be misled by what you see in the beginning. Dont make a long-term commitment during the first phase of the relationship. You should also delay committing yourself to the person until after you have had an argument or two. Your potential partner needs to get to know you, so be visible, open and honest from the beginning. Suggested similarities for better relationships Similar core beliefs and values regarding ethics, morals, religion and spiritual issues. Contents and style of life. Desire and need for affection and togetherness. Standards of cleanliness and order. Beliefs regarding division of labor and responsibilities. Level of need and desire for social activities. Amount of involvement with others. Types and frequency of activities. Characteristics Qualities I am looking for in a relationship: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ As I date, I have learned that I want: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As I date, I have learned that I dont want: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Relationships What Makes a Healthy Relationship? Mutual respect The key is that your significant other is into you for who you are for your great sense of humor, your love of reality TV, etc. Does your partner listen when you say youre not comfortable doing something and then back off right away? Respect in a relationship means that each person values who the other is and understands and would never challenge the other persons boundaries. Trust Its ok to get a little jealous sometimes jealousy is a natural emotion. But how a person reacts when he or she feels jealous is what matters. Theres no way you can have a healthy relationship if you dont trust each other. Honesty This one goes hand-in-hand with trust because its tough to trust someone when one of you isnt being honest. Support Its not just in good times that your partner should support you. Some people are great when your whole world is going well, but cant take being there when things are going wrong. In a healthy relationship, your significant other is there with a shoulder to cry on when you find out your parents are getting divorced and to celebrate with you when you get the lead in a play. Fairness/equality You need to have give-and-take in your relationship, too. Do you take turns choosing which new movie to see? As a couple, do you hang out with your partners friends as often as you hang out with yours? Youll know if it isnt a fair balance. Things get bad really fast when a relationship turns into a power struggle, with one person fighting to get his or her way all the time. Separate identities In a healthy relationship, everyone needs to make compromises. That doesnt mean you should feel like youre losing out on being yourself. When you started going out, you both had your own lives your own families, friends, interests, hobbies, etc.  and that shouldnt change. Neither of you should have to pretend to like something you dont, give up seeing your friends, nor drop out of activities you love. You also should feel free to keep developing new talents or interests, making new friends, and moving forward. Good communication Youve probably heard lots of stuff about how men and women dont seem to speak the same language. We all know how many different meanings the little phrase no, nothings wrong can have, depending on whos saying it! But whats important is to ask if youre not sure what he or she means, and speak honestly and openly so that the miscommunication is avoided in the first place. Never keep a feeling bottled up because youre afraid its not what your BF or GF wants to hear or because you worry about sounding silly. What Makes an Unhealthy Relationship? A relationship is unhealthy when it involves mean, disrespectful, controlling, or abusive behavior. Some people live in homes with parents who fight a lot or abuse each other emotionally or physically. For some people who have grown up around this kind of behavior it can almost seem normal or ok. Its not! Qualities like kindness and respect are absolute requirements for a healthy relationship. Someone who doesnt yet have this part down may need to work on it with a trained therapist before he or s
Monday, August 19, 2019
Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? :: European Europe History
Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? Between the years of 1890 and 1908 there was a period of relative stability in the Balkan area. Whilst, in this essay, it is my primary objective to look at what factors caused this, it is first important to understand that the climate was only stable in comparison to the years before it - when there was great tension, argument and conflict. It would be naà ¯ve to assume that after 1890 there was none of the aforementioned; the importance of the word 'relative' should not be overlooked. Take, for example, the infamous Armenian massacres of 1894 and 1896. At that time there were about a million Armenians under Turkish rule. They were a badly oppressed minority, discriminated against in just about every conceivable way. When the Armenian people began to press for improved rights and independence, the Turkish reaction was to silence them through acts of murder. This is clearly not an act usually associated with stability. Another prime example that the stability in the Balkans was only ever relative is the crisis of 1903. The Serbian King was assassinated in a military coup and replaced by King Peter, who belonged to a different dynasty. He was pro-Russian which angered Austria-Hungary, who had been allied with Serbia. Austria-Hungary placed economic sanctions on the Serbs in the hope of forcing them back into an alliance, but this only succeeded in worsening relations between the two and pushing Serbia into Russian hands. That said, there is no doubt that the climate surrounding the Balkans was far more relaxed and stable between 1890 and 1908 than it had been for many decades beforehand. There were several factors that contributed to this, the primary reason being (in my opinion) the change in Russian foreign policy. Before 1890, Russian was often the root cause of tension and conflict, because of her foreign policy objectives - she had two principle objectives: to unite the Slav people of the Balkans, in order to create a 'Greater Motherland', and also to gain greater access to The Straits. This was most evident in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877, where Russia had emerged victorious, and attempted to create a 'Bigger Bulgaria' of Slav people in the (eventually) abortive treaty of San Stefano. After 1890 Russia felt that if they continued to pursue their interests in the Balkans, it was a lot of trouble for possibly no gain, so instead she began looking to the East and the far greater opportunities for expansion in China, Japan and Manchuria.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Capital Punishment in the United States Essay -- Capital Punishment, De
Capital punishment has been a controversial topic in association to ethics all of its existence. Issues pertaining to the execution methods, reasonability in the relationship of punishment to the crime, who receives the death penalty, and innocence have been discussed and researched in great lengths. Capital punishment is still an active form of â€Å"deterrence†in the United States for crimes considered the worst of the worst. In this paper I will discuss the history of the death penalty. I will also disclose information on the dynamics of race, method, and court cases valid to the death penalty. History: The origination of the death penalty in America stems mainly from the influence of Britain. Capital punishment was a common exercise in British culture and the British brought the practice with them when they settled in America. The death penalty was used as punishment for a variety of crimes, ranging from murder to disobedience of one’s mother or father. In 1612 the Divine, Moral and Marital laws were passed. These laws allowed the punishment of death for petty crimes like stealing grapes, killing chickens, and trading with Native Americans. Executions were a public scene until the 1830’s, but most were eventually moved to the interior of prisons. However, there were some public executions (especially in the South and West) that were done in public until the twentieth century. The laws and regulations pertaining to the death penalty differed from colony to colony (Death Penalty Information Center, 2011). Though capital punishment was common there were critics of the practice. Some questioned its morality and effectiveness as a deterrent to crime. There were many abolitionists supporting the movement to eliminate th... ...nity, staff, a spiritual or religious advisor, media, and state selected witnesses (Lethal Injection Procedure, 2010). Innocent people do end up on death row, some are exonerated and some die waiting for their execution or at their scheduled death. Since 1973 there have been 139 exonerations (Innocence Project, 2011). The criterion that permits exoneration are they were ac-quitted at retrial, all charges were dropped, or they were given an absolute pardon given by the governor based on new evidence of innocence (Death Penalty Information Center, 2011). Individuals on death row typically serve a 13 year average before their exoneration. However, there are those that are innocent to still receive the death penalty. The number is hard to pin down, but most cases where innocence was still lingering are often not looked into after the death of the individual.
Lynchings In America Essay -- essays research papers
Recently, an L.A. Times article (dated 2/13/00) reviewed a new book entitled "Without Sanctuary", a collection of photographs from lynchings throughout America. During the course of the article, the author, Benjamin Schwarz, outlined some very interesting and disturbing facts related to this gruesome act of violence: Between 1882 and 1930, more than 3,000 people were lynched in the U.S., with approximately 80% of them taking place in the South. Though most people think only African Americans were victims of lynchings, during those years, about 25% were white. Data indicates that mobs in the West lynched 447 whites and 38 blacks; in the Midwest there were 181 white victims and 79 black; and in the South, people lynched 291 whites and 2,462 African Americans. Though most people believe lynchings were just the manifestation of racial hatred, the author indicates that 20% of Southern lynching victims were killed by mobs of their own race. In addition, other societies such as An cient Rome and Greece, Germany, China, Nigeria, and East Africa lynched their own. It is for this reason that Mr. Schwarz believes lynchings cannot be explained only in terms of racism and paranoid "white psyche". To find the true reason, we must consider a different point of view. According to Mr. Schwarz, in the late 19th century, there arose in the South a large proportion of transient black men who, as their labor became expendable in an increasingly industrial and commercial econo...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Bacon, Novum Organum, and Implied Objectivity †Philosophy of Science
Francis Bacon was a representative of English Renaissance and therefore sought to tie together philosophy and science in order to create more complete and clear picture of scientific method to be used when explaining natural phenomena. Bacon’s â€Å"Novum Organum†is can be viewed as a global message addressed to all scholars and students, who seek to penetrate into the true order of matters and nature of objects, as the primary idea of his writing is to assist scientists in developing objectivity and destroying prejudices and stereotypes that determine unnecessarily narrow directions or limitations in certain areas of knowledge.The first chapters of the writing are dedicated to aphorisms, which to great extent reflect the spirit of the epoch and the author’s personal convictions. First of all, the scholar suggests that the study of nature is extremely complicated and should be approached from multiple viewpoints: â€Å"The study of nature with a view to works i s engaged in by the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist and the magician; but by all (as things now are) with slight endeavor and scanty success†( Bacon, Book I, Aphorism V, at www.constitution. org, 2001). This means, it is important to expand the knowledge about nature and establish a reasonable exchange among various disciplines and directions – first of all, in order to be capable to explain the issues, which might be clear in certain discipline, but remain a ‘white spot’ in another, so that the true causes of phenomena can be found only through developing a complex approach.On the other hand, the author also warns the reader against hastiness in scientific conclusions that can appear a side effect of syllogism â€Å"†¦if the notions themselves (which is the root of the matter) are confused and overhastily abstracted from the facts, there can be no firmness in the superstructure. Our only hope therefore lies in a true induct ion†(Bacon, I, XIV, at www. constitution. org, 2001). This means, it is important to ‘digest’ all information available, gradually put forward the propositions and construct the superstructure thoroughly, without superfluous generalizations.This means, there is a certain divergence between traditional techniques, related to scientific induction, and the mode of logical reasoning Bacon offers: for instance, syllogism contains a particle of subjectivity, as it is normally based upon propositions, hypotheses and the scientist’s own perception of the object: â€Å"In order to penetrate into the inner and further recesses of nature, it is necessary that both notions and axioms be derived from things by a more sure and guarded way, and that a method of intellectual operation be introduced altogether better and more certain†(Bacon, I, XVIII, at www.constitution. org, 2001). Due to the fact that the author speaks primarily about precise sciences, he implie s that science as organized area of knowledge cannot be based purely upon hypotheses or fantasy, but also upon facts and axioms. The main obstacle to the real discovery of nature is described by Bacon as four idols living in human mind. Idols are conceptualized as human impressions about the objects, – for instance, their visible characteristics like color or shape. The author contrasts idols to God’s intents concerning the creation of nature, i. e. these idols substantially distort or misrepresent the truth.There are four main types of these erroneous subjectivist convictions: Idols of the Tribe; Idols of the Cave; Idols of the Marketplace (Forum) and Idols of the Theatre. The Idols of the Tribe are in certain context socially approved convictions, as they all derive from the idea that human-being is a measure of the objects surrounding them, so that individuals tend to approach to nature from the position of their relation to certain objects or phenomena: for instanc e, ancient ‘scientists’ believed that celestial bodies existed in order to predict their fate, i. e.humankind used to have consumerist attitude towards their environment, which resulted in numerous hardships when it was the time to broaden or enrich the knowledge available. In addition, these beliefs are transmitted from generation to generation and learned during socialization – this is probably their most dangerous aspect. â€Å"The Idols of the Cave are the idols of the individual man. For everyone (beside the errors common to human nature in general) has a cave or den of his own, which refracts and discolors the light of nature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Bacon, I, XLII, at www., 2001). This means, Idols of the Cave can be explained as the peculiarities of each person’s psychological world, which might decrease one’s ability to draw independent conclusions – human are often ‘addicted’ to persons they admire and therefore might view these persons’ beliefs as their own. The Idols of the Marketplace originate due to the use of common language and social relationships, yet â€Å"words plainly force and overrule the understanding, and throw all into confusion, and lead man away into numberless empty controversies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Bacon, I, XLIII, at www.constitution. org, 2001), which means first of all that there is certain issues human being cannot verbalize or put into words. In addition, individuals tend to misuse and abuse language, for instance in demagogic or pseudoscientific discussions, which in reality have no visible objectives and goals. Finally, the Idols of the Theater settle down in human mind under the influence of philosophical dogmas or ‘universal truths’, often imposed by theatrical fables.For instance, in certain epoch, individuals used to say: â€Å"Love is stronger than death†, â€Å"Love is the highest feeling†, even through it is really hard to me asure the ‘height’ of love or imagine that it can really save individuals from inescapable death. These expressions were no more than metaphors, suggested by literature or certain philosophical movements. All these Idols contribute to the development of human subjectivity and inability to ignore unnecessary parts of their experiences when examining pure facts.In addition, explaining the cause of underdevelopment of scientific method, Bacon also takes macrosocial approach and identifies two main factors, which contributed to the weakness of contemporary science: firstly, a lot of vital information had been lost or had not been fixed on paper, so that contemporary science actually originated in Greco-Roman period; secondly, the development of natural science in general had been overlooked, in contrast to the progress of art and literature, due to the domination of religious institutions over education and scientific progress, which had implied strict censorship.In order t o liberate human mind from the aforementioned idol, it is necessary to develop a new method of establishing axioms: â€Å"In forming our axioms from induction, we must examine and try, whether the axiom we derive only be fitted and calculated for the particular instance from which it is deduced, or whether it be more extensive and general†(Bacon, I, CVI, at www. constitution. org, 2001). As one can understand, scientific reasoning should be based upon the basic research and supplementary study of the validity of previous one and the possibility of generalization.If generalization is possible, â€Å"we must observe, whether it confirm its own extent and generality, by giving surety as it were, in pointing out new particulars†(ibid). In order to facilitate the research, the scientist should first examine the cause of the phenomenon or its separate features (color or size), since the same characteristics not always point to the same cause and therefore do not infer the same nature of the object or phenomena. Bacon’s inductive technique includes three main components, or three different types of table: the table of presence, the table of absence and the table of degrees.The table of presence includes all cases in which the phenomenon, whose cause is sought, manifests itself: for example, heat appears when the object is under the sun. The table of absence comprises the cases in which the phenomenon does not manifest itself: for instance, although the moon spreads light, the heat does not appear in moonlight. Finally, the table of degrees provides concrete measurements of the phenomenon and includes its decreases and increases among different objects or materials: for instance, certain metals heat slower than liquids (e. g. water).The table of degrees is aimed at reflecting the extent of the phenomenon in each object researched. In case the amount of research material is limited, Bacon offers different strategies of induction: â€Å"I propose to treat, then, in the first place, of Prerogative Instances, secondly, of the Supports of induction, thirdly, of the Rectification of Induction; fourthly, of Varying the Investigation according to the nature of the Subject; fifthly, of Prerogative Natures with respect to Investigation; [†¦]; sixthly, of the Limits of Investigation, or a synopsis of all natures in the universe..†(Bacon, II, XXI, at www. constitution. org, 2001). In addition, he recommends that each scientist included suggestions for practical use and the gradation of axioms. Prerogative Instances, or objective facts and their independent interpretations are therefore regarded as the most important aspect of induction, as the basic Prerogative Instances are in fact to demonstrate the extent of the phenomenon in each particular case, the interrelation among the phenomena in different objects and situations and the possible exclusions or exceptions.To sum up, both extended and limited investigations should be based primarily upon facts and their classification, rather than upon hypothetical reasoning and classic induction whose main constituent is syllogism, or logical propositions, not always confirmed by facts. Reference list Bacon, Francis. Novum Organum (The New Organon). Available online at: http://www. constitution. org/bacon/nov_org. htm, 2001
Friday, August 16, 2019
How will your personal faith and beliefs contribute to Liberty’s mission to develop Christ- centered leaders? Essay
My personal faith and beliefs will contribute to Liberty’s mission to develop Christ- centered leaders in a number of ways. I am very passionate about worship and discipleship. I see my purpose in life as a chance to change lives through worship and discipleship, and to obey the calling that God has on my life. I believe it is my duty as a child of God to be the hands and feet of Christ no matter where that may lead me. I am passionate about worship because worship is a devotion, it is my heart cry, worship is the place where I really found God and fell in love with Him. It is where I feel closest to Him, I can express myself freely to God and He understands everything my heart tries to say. Worship for me is a battle. It is praying with a tune, it is standing in the gap for someone and calling them, out of darkness, into the light. It is pouring everything you have at the altar and surrendering to the Father, it is allowing the Father to draw near and consume your very being. Worship is pure, worship is love. Discipleship is extremely important to me because I want to be someone who embraces and assists in spreading God’s teaching to others, to help empower people to know, deeply and wholeheartedly, their God given gifts; to help them know that God has created them in His image that He has a plan for their life. I will combine with Liberty’s mission and my personal faith and beliefs to contribute a well thought out plan to enable each student to reach their goal in serving Christ and worshipping. My mission is the same as Liberty’s mission to help develop christ- centered leaders, through my worship, discipleship, and the full armor of God.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Case Study Homework: Pepsi-Lipton Brisk Essay
Questions: 1. Should Brisk be advertised on primetime TV or with viral ads in the months following the Super Bowl ad? What are the benefits of each media What are the costs? In this case, since the budget is limited, the viral ads are more doable for Brisk. The benefits of TV ads: * Broader audience TV has better mass appeal than other forms of advertising for a number of reasons. Some watch the TV to stay abreast with the latest financial information, while others simply enjoy viewing comedy shows, dramas, sport shows and news. This is a great way to advertise your goods and products as it reaches a wider audience from different backgrounds. * It is intrusive While some consider intrusiveness as harmful, but for those involved in advertising it’s a great opportunity to reach the target audience. Although some viewers may be offended by many commercials, many will never miss their show after the commercial. Therefore, this allows you to reach a wider audience. * A variety of communication techniques Radio advertisers are only able to appeal to those who have their senses of hearing. On the other hand, television uses both senses of vision and hearing. Appealing to the audience of both senses can help to reinforce your campaign. For instance, a price is spoken on radio and then made better on television . * Better viewing time According to recent statistics, the average person watches TV for almost an hour every day, which is far more than one spends reading the magazine or listening to radio. Unlike radio, TV viewers enjoy a variety of commercials without interruption whatsoever, thus it is a great way to reach the target audience. Even though advertising is a flexible form of advertisement, it is slightly expensive than other advertising methods such as the radio. The benefits of Viral ads: * Easy to execute. There are several methods of sending viral contents or messages and all of them are easy to do. Among those methods are sending email, instant messaging, and using web sites. Sending viral messages through these media will not take much effort and time. * Low-cost. As compared to sending direct mails, viral marketing proves to be cheaper and a more cost-effective method. With just a little investment on viral advertising, its power can reach even hundreds of thousands of people as compared to spending the same amount of money to traditional advertising methods. That is because the only money to spend is for sending the initial set of viral contents, then forwarding or replicating the message will not require additional costs anymore. * Good targeting. With viral marketing, there is a huge probability that the message will reach people that are interested in it. Since the concept of viral marketing is essentially passing on a message from a user to another person, most likely, the user will pass it to a person whom he knows will be interested in it. Thus, the percentage of wasted advertising, which is sending the message to the wrong market, will be reduced. * High and rapid response rate. Since viral marketing reaches a good number of the business’ target market, there is also a big possibility to have a high turnover ratio. Even if the responses will not immediately convert into profits, there will still be huge traffic that the business will receive which is what most web owners want. 2. How are ways in which target consumers view ads in each media different? Which differences matter most to the protagonists? Can these consumer behaviors be factored into a single measure that helps the protagonists compare the benefits of each media? TV consumers view ads increasingly savvy at turning out TV ads, 50% of them skipped through most of the ads. Online consumers are interested in this new way of ad and only 29% of them skipped the online video ads. This figure alone cannot become the single measure that helps the protagonists compare the benefits of each media because many other factors influence the outcome of these media. 3. Which of the four ad concepts should Mary Barnard and Marisol Tamaro choose? What elements matter? The forth concept should be taken. The celebrity endorsement is the key to success. The forth concept star black and white Claymation versions of popular celebrities or characters. The storytelling is the key in the online ads. The forth tell a well-known story and that’s guarantee for expending and sharing. 4. What does Mekanism mean by engagement? How do they attempt to increase engagement with the brand using viral ads? The engagement refers to the viewers and the ones who share the online ad video. They have two main ways to increase engagement: Storytelling and syndicating video online. Optional Readings * BMW vs. Audi: The Best Media Plan on Four Wheels? * How Little Brands Land Big Bang for their Buck * The Rush to Digital * Nielsen Offers Cross-Platform Ratings
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Explain Crime Rates Essay
The two theories with respect to criminology I would be using would be the Social Disorganization Theory and the Anomie Theory. Durkheim introduced the term ‘Anomie’ in the 19th or the early 20th century. He considered that Anomie had a major role to play with respect to social behavior. He felt that the level of moral consciousness may differ from one individual to another, and deviations often resulted in crime. Robert Merton developed ideas to establish a link between criminal behavior and Anomie. Merton considered that social pressures caused an individual to behave in a non-compliant or an abnormal manner. In society, an individual had certain goals and means of fulfilling these goals. Initially an individual may choose acceptable means to achieve these goals. However, as the situation deteriorates, he would be choosing increasingly unacceptable means to achieve the goals (Reid, 1985). The social disorganization theory was proposed by the Chicago School of Sociology. It is a situation in which divergence away from the normal is seen due to certain social situations. Any disturbance to normal social life would result in an increase in crime and disharmony. When social organization is present, positive relationship, values and goals also develop. Read more: Essay About Crime Rate Increase in India In the past the social disorganization theory has been utilized to explain disturbance during the World War 1, World War 2 and the Great Depression (Reid, 1985). A criminal case in our local community was a string of suicides committed by three teenagers who attended school. Investigations revealed that the teenagers were not happy with the results they had obtained in High School. Studies revealed that the local leader, who was responsible for the educational policy adopted by the state, had adopted rather tough measures, which resulted in high failure rates and frustration in the school children. As the social pressures were high, the teenagers were behaving in a non-complaint or an unreasonable manner. This goes along with the Anomie theory. Studies also revealed that the other ministries that were responsible for public welfare were not functioning properly during that period. Hence, there was an increase in the social disorganization rate (as normal life was affected). The teenagers committing suicide expressed the dissatisfaction and the disharmony in the society. This helps to prove the Social Disorganization theory.
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