Thursday, September 19, 2019
Long overdue Conversation :: Drama
Long overdue Conversation Topic / Scripture : Using the time God gives us; the importance of family; Mat. 20:6 â€Å"About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, â€Å"Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?†Setting: Anywhere. The audience will assume that this is just a father having a conversation with his daughter, Could be in the kitchen, the living room, outside on the porch†¦anywhere. Characters: Don – the father. Tender hearted, he’s nervous, uncomfortable with this conversation, but intent on finally doing this right. Scene: Don is sitting on a chair facing the audience, wringing his hands, looking nervous but determined as he begins this conversation. Don: This is a little awkward†¦Just bear with me honey, we need to talk about some things†¦ I probably should have done this sooner, but you caught me off guard†¦you know? Yesterday you were playing with Barbies and riding your little pink bike with the training wheels still on. Then I turned around and you were going on dates, looking at colleges, wearing that goo on your face†¦(sheepishly and a little defensively) I got used to it. J I sure could have used more time in there somewhere. Another decade or two. Okay, so here we go†¦ Ummm†¦drugs are bad†¦don’t use them†¦they could rot your teeth†¦no, um, kill your brain cells†¦and stuff. You probably shouldn’t smoke either†¦yeah, I know I do, but you’re still too young, cigarettes really will rot your teeth. Plus, your mom really hates how they smell†¦so it’s better if you just don’t start. (At this point he pulls out a crinkled up piece of paper and spends some time smoothing it out and fidgeting with it, checking it, etc.) I, uh, wrote a list†¦J†¦I didn’t want to forget anything†¦you know, while I have momentum going and stuff†¦ Okay, so here’s the big one†¦it’s uh†¦well, this one’s really important†¦boys are†¦uh†¦boys are great†¦but, they’re still boys you know? So you’ve got to be really careful. You’ve got to be smart honey. You’re so smart, and funny. And you’re really talented and you’re beautiful. I’m not just saying that because I’m your dad. You really are. Boys call the house all the time for you. They do! Hey, I didn’t say we answer it every time, that’s why we have caller ID. No, I’m just kidding honey†¦kind-of. Anyway†¦(looking down at his list again)†¦so, you just need to be on your toes. Don’t believe everything they tell you. And you should probably bring a friend with you on your dates. Bring several friends. The more the merrier†¦(chuckles, but it’s clear he means it).
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