Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Discovery The Tempest - Free Essay Example
Discovery is an aspect of revealing what is not known. In William Shakespeares play, The Tempest play introduces us to unfailing phases of events that were experienced in the play. The events that have happened over the generation is being realized by the new generation concerning what happened in the when sailing back to Italy. The entire family had attended a wedding at Tunis Africa. Claribel, daughter of Alonso, was married to the prince of Tunis. A strong storm and lightning hit the ship causing the ship to sink. Those who survived the boat capsize were kidnapped on an island with each person splitting in his or her direction. The family reunites again, but Ariel magically appears in spirit form. It introduces us to the original background to the discovery by the new generation. Miranda represents the new generation. Her father Prospero is explaining to her of what had happened in the sea about twelve years ago. He narrates to her daughter the encounter in the sea that led to the wrecking of the ship they were looking at while offshore. He explains to her how she used the magic books skills to escape from the boat. However, they arrived at the island safely where both survived over the decade. Miranda realizes the tragic accident they faced while sailing in the sea. The narrations she is told also helps her discover that her father was indeed the Duke of Milan ship which her uncle, Antonio had overthrown his father with his friend Alonso the king of Naples. It was on these grounds that enmity between his father and his brother developed after they even imprisoned him. When they met after twelve years, Prospero is still angry that he rethinks of revenge due to the bitterness of what they did to me. Ferdinand, Alonsos son whom they thought had died to meet with Prospero and Miranda. Miranda has affection to Ferdinand as the third man he has ever met. Dad does not want an instance where the two, Miranda and Ferdinand will be close and thus the puni shes him by assigning him to a hard job in the woods. Ferdinand finds its worthy as it will create a smooth channel to meet Miranda. His dad discovers that the two are in life and Miranda even proposes to Ferdinand for a hand in marriage, which he agrees. His dad capability to appear in spirit exposed them even when the two were experiencing the sweet moment when exchanging kind words, which Prospero liked. He welcomes Ferdinand as the husband to be to his daughter Miranda and arrange for a wedding meeting. The discovery context has also revealed at the last part of the play. After the big storm and the lightning that stroke the ship in the wreckage, the entire group of people was separated into several categories. They stayed isolated on the island for twelve years. They reunite after Mirandas father used the force of nature, the Ariel spirit to search and re-combine the entire group as one. It is at this last part of the wedding that Alonso discovers that his presumed dead son, Ferdinand, had not indeed died but he miraculously survived. They two met, and all are happy again. The playwright, William Shakespeare in his play has indeed plotted it so so well. The incidence has unfolded consequentially to bring the flow of ideas and events in his entire game. This attribute has been attested by how the play, The Tempest has been ordered. Themes intended to be captured by the writer has come out so nicely. One event of activities helps to discover another activity. Personally, I recommend the play as it is one of the Shakespeares best games.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Power of Goal Setting Essay - 575 Words
The Power of Goal Setting Too many of us treat goal setting the same way. We dream about what we want to do, but we dont have a plan to carry out that dream. A mapped out goal is superior to a dream. You must have a plan. Dreams are merely thoughts or ideas, but, we need more than to simply scribble down some ideas on a piece of paper. Our goals need to be concise and focused. We must set both long-term and short-term goals, so for each short-term goal accomplished the long-term goals will seem easier to attain. As an example, a short-term goal for student of the University could be to accomplish each weekly assignment on time and to achieve significant working relationships with our other classmates. Short-term goals can easily be†¦show more content†¦These goals should present a picture to where you see yourself in the future. Either climbing up the ladder in your present occupation or moving onto something you have dreamed about all of your life. It has always been said, If you are doing something you love, its not work. There are several key elements to goal setting. 1. Make sure you are working for something you really want to achieve, and your goals should be consistent with your values. 2. A goal should not contradict any of your other goals. 3. To help focus energy toward attaining goals make sure they are written down. a. Make an A-list: Tasks that will get done before going to bed. b. Make a B-list: Menial tasks that you would like to get finished, but can be put off until later. c. Make a C-list: When these tasks get done, pigs will fly. Just to keep things fun, make a list that will be impossible to accomplish. Or you can make it a challenge list, which would amaze yourself, if you actually found the time to get it done. 4. Write your goals out in complete detail and visualize meeting this goal. 5. Make sure your goal is set high. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Descriptive Essay About Friendship - 921 Words
Friendship is a bond between two or more people. I can choose who I desire to be friends with. However, some friends are brought by fate. Sherry and I, are like magnets. Our personality and social status is different. Yet down the road, we became really close friends. Sherry have a similar background as me. She can be careless but, sometimes she can be really sensitive. No matter in school or outside of school, I always spot her in a T-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. We have several conflicts because of our different point of view. We have discussed the reason why we are friends when we are completely opposite of each other. We agreed we wouldn’t become friends if we actually met in China. She is energetic and rebellious. While, I’m†¦show more content†¦There is a fairly light red across her wrist, my heart just dropped to the stomach. I think I know what that is, but I don’t understand the reason why. â€Å"What are you doing?†I texted her, hoping everything is alright. â€Å" you saw it, I cut myself.†she texted me back. I’m so confused. She was so cheerful in the morning and now she cut herself. I shut off the computer and send a video chat request, a few seconds later she picked up. â€Å"What’s going on?†I asked with great concern. â€Å"I’m just tired, I tried that before. It doesn’t hurt, don’t worry.†she answered giggling. â€Å"So you are doing it again? Why?†I asked trying to keep calm. â€Å"She hated me, want me to go die.†She stated and waving her arm. She is starting to freak me out, it’s the first time I have ever met a situation like this. We talked for hours and hours, she told me about her life, her parents, her siblings, and school. All of her problems, thoughts, and concerns. She is on the edge; she is so stressed out about everything. I tried the best to comfort her, discussing about her career, all the places we want to go together, talking about our favorite shows and getting celebrities’ autograph. Then, around three o’clock in the morning she calmed down. We promised if anything significant happened in our lives, we will tell each other and not do dumb things. Sherry and I are friends, what is friends? I believe friends are the folks that stands by my side no matter whatShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Friendship1528 Words  | 7 Pagesrealized that the hum of their gears sliding together matched with that of mine, and that maybe together we could make a symphony of hums, ticks, and tocks that the likes of had never been seen. This was the start of what I thought was the best friendship that the world would ever see. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Rene Moreno the actor that is Essay Example For Students
Rene Moreno: the actor that is Essay In November 1991, after a near-lethal fall from a fifth-story window ruptured his aorta and damaged his spinal cord, actor Rene Moreno withdrew to his familys Dallas home. For one bleak year, he mourned the loss of the use of his legs and a busy, well-regarded acting career. By December 1993, however, thanks to therapy and a nationwide network of artists, Moreno was back on stage, viewing his work from the increasingly instructive position of a wheelchair. In a way, Im a whole new actor, said Moreno, preparing for a matinee performance of Dallas Theater Centers A Christmas Carol. For a long while, I grieved the actor that was. In my mind, I saw a man with dance training, who used his whole body for expression. That person died. This is like starting all over again. Before the fall, Moreno had built a solid professional reputaion. In 1982, just out of Southern Methodist University, the Dallas-born actor won the role of understudy for Mozart in Broadways Amadeus. Later, he received the Princess Grace Foundation Award for his breakthrough performance in Joseph Papps Shakespeare on Broadway. He spent a decade in New York pushing his range at the Ensemble Studio Theatre, Pan Asian Repertory, Drama League and INTAR Hispanic American Arts Center, with sidetrips to San Diego, Hartford and Cincinnati theatres. Ive thought back over my career, and, even in New York, I never saw someone with a disability sharing the stage with able-bodied actors. The sole exception was a hearing-impaired actor, Howie Seago. I think about him a lot now, Moreno said of the actors performance as Ajax at La Jolla Playhouse. Moreno did considerable thinking in rehabilitation. He also kept in touch with DTCs artistic director Richard Hamburger and associate Melissa Cooper. It was Cooper who lured Moreno into a staged reading for the Big D Festival of the Unexpected, and later asked him to audition for the role of the narrator in A Christmas Carol under director Evan Yionoulis. It was scary going from a reading to a full production. I was the first person audiences saw on stage in Carol. What did they see? We live in a society that judges you by the way you look. But I watched them, and, by the plays end, people looked at me in a different way, he said. And colleagues learned to respect Morenos needs. At the Arts District Theatre, DTCs staff built ramps, and widened the bathroom and the dressing room mirror. Designers laid out the set on the floor, without stairs, making cutaways wide enough for his passage. The people I work with are more aware now. They go out after the show to a bar or restaurant and say, Hey, Rene couldnt get in here. Its great. Back in school in Dallas studying psychology, Moreno plans to keep acting. Theres a lot going on in L.A. Meanwhile, Ive kept in touch with artists around the country and I work with two small Dallas companies, Greathouse and Abilities Theatre, a multi-disabled group. At times, Moreno is uncomfortable with being singled out: We all have disabilities, he reasons. Mine just happen to be in full view.
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